Dear Saints of Alban’s Episcopal Church,
Since I began my ministry at St. Alban's in May of this year, I have witnessed tremendous generosity as you contribute your ideas, your funds, and your time to our community. Every dollar that we raise, every minute of volunteerism, every good plan comes from the heart and goes toward the mission of St. Alban’s.
More Than Enough, the theme for our campaign, brings us back to that moment of miracle described in Luke’s Gospel, having just been fed by Jesus from a scant few loaves and fishes. The people in that story heard Jesus’ call to share what they had in order that all might benefit. Our pledge campaign this year focuses on the miracle of sharing, the ways in which our means meet the needs of the church, the world, the manner in which we respond to the Gospel, and the ways in which we sustain our community.
During the pandemic, many churches closed and are still struggling to reopen, but thanks to your generosity, we have remained active. St. Alban’s is gathering with joy and hope as we continue to restart previous programs while also beginning new ones.
Sunday, October 16, we will embark on our four-week annual giving campaign: More Than Enough. Each week there will be a reflection on stewardship in our bulletin and posted on our website. During the next four weeks, I invite you to read the reflections on stewardship and prayerfully consider how God is calling you to continue to share your gifts of time, talent, and treasure with St. Alban’s over the next year so that we can remain a vibrant beacon of Christ’s love in our community.
I am aware of how challenging it is, during these current economic conditions, to hold to the belief that God will always provide us with more than enough. Yet, I also know that it is in the challenging times of life that our faith is strengthened, holds us up and pulls us through. It is in our living a generous life that we actually discover God’s abundance.
We have designated Sunday, November 13 as Commitment Sunday when Estimate of Giving cards will be offered as an act of worship. I invite you to make every effort to join us that Sunday. If you will be away on that Sunday, please mail your Estimate of Giving card back to us at the church and we will offer it on your behalf.
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Michelle Moyer, Rector